How far is Halkidiki from Thessaloniki?
The distance for the center of Thessaloniki to the airport is about 12 km, 8,08 miles but it depends from the trafic jam you may find, so more or less you need about 40 minutes. There are many solution and variety for your transfer .To rent a car is the most easy way, there is always the options for a taxi but if you wish a more luxurious way to go about there are many companies that they have the abilities and the specific cars that fulfill yours wishes. All these options are in effect to use it for your journey to Halkidiki.
Travel consideration for your journey:First of all it depends for your destination. With the new motorway to Kassandra peninsula -1leg- the speed limit is till 130 km, become 100 and some area down to 70 or 50 especially when the road pass inside the villages. So from Thessaloniki or from
SKG Thessalonikis airport with the name Macedonia the distance you cover is about 30 minutes for the area of Moudania and 5 minutes more to Potidea village,1 hour to Kalithea village, or for ‘‘Sani resort” you need only 50 minutes! The view with landscape, sea-side, coast, hills, mountain is really atractive impact of all these estimate distanses.
For Sithonia, Halkidiki’s second leg,the speed range in relation with crossing a village so 50 km is the limit, some part with consecutive turns is till 100-120 km. The distance you need to reach Neos Marmaras village is 1 hour and 15 minutes or for Vourvourou village is 1 hour and 20 minutes.
As for the third leg, the Mount – Athos peninsula the road is very graphical with many more parts with turns inside the woods and the distance for Ouranoupolis town is near to 2 hours but still it worth it! Is not literary or just an advertisement to say that the Halkidiki have a landscape that is charming and really astonishing!
All about Flights!
If you plan to travel in Greece,in Halkidiki from your home town by plane you can choose as final destination the city of Thessaloníki -with more than 2.500 years constantly leaving history- and her modern airport SKG. Flights from all over the Europian citys and capitals. From East and West side all over the world. From Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, Rusia, China, Japan, Emirate, Indonisia, Africa …
Airlines companies in alphabetically presentation:
- Air France, Alitalia, Astra Airlines,Austrian Airlines.
- Cobalt Airlines, Cuprys Airlines.
- Delta Airlines.
- Easy Jet, Ellinair, Emirate, Eurowings.
- KLM.- in summer-time-.
- Olympic Air.
- Quatar Airways.
- Ryanair.
- Serbian Airlines.
- Transavia Air, Turkish Airlines,Tus Airways.
This is an a small presentation of the Thessaloníki’s air possibilitys .From the Spring time till the first month of Autumn and specially during the Summer time they are more extra Airlines companies with frequency on their flights, many more choices on hour and correspondence on flights.